Ballon Muscle
Works in 2019 - Jewellery & Performance Art
Material : Ballons, Brass
Everyone has the pursuit of physical beauty. But not everyone can put in enough effort to get the results they want. In the age of social media, there are a number of images that have been manipulated to make their presence felt on social networks, and those images have been highly noticed and celebrated by their publishers.
But in recent years more than one fitness blogger has come forward to debunk the unspoken rules of the fitness world: Fitness Gurus aren't perfect Those bulging muscles come from carefully selected camera angles and the power of Photoshop. I also downloaded 10 of the most used photo manipulation apps on my phone, and found that 4 of them have the ability to add muscle specific features like ABS and pecs to the body. The average person in real life doesn't have to sweat; it's just a matter of lifting a finger to have perfect muscles. The convincing effects of the photo-processing APP can make users feel like they really have perfect muscles, which can make them feel smug and self-satisfied. Sadly, this over-satisfying state of mind lacks the material to support it, like a balloon, seemingly full, but empty inside.

The fake images also encouraged the unsuspecting crowd outside the screen to pursue the perfect figure even more aggressively. In recent years, a new mental illness has spread among fitness people, dubbed Fitness Overuse Syndrome, or Bigorexia, a condition in which people who work out feel that they are not exercising well enough A mental illness caused by being in a state of dissatisfaction with oneself for a long time.
Now the impact of excessive fitness disease is growing, many fitness enthusiasts are depressed, or even turn to drugs to achieve their desired extreme result. It's not so much fitness overload as it is the excessive pursuit of results that causes anxiety, which can only be alleviated by unconventional measures. This distorted mental state will lead to low training yield, further reducing hard-won muscle and body, resulting in a vicious cycle.