Bra's Whisper
Works in 2020 - Accessories for Bra

The Bra for the female community will be a lifelong garment, but it can also be used to accentuate the charm of the female body.
In East Asian cultures, which are relatively more conservative, most women are ashamed of their bodies at the beginning of their development. The feeling a girl feels when she puts on her first BRA is complex —shy, sticky, smothered, helpless, and vulnerable. Cumbersome Bra buckles become a daily challenge, and the small chest bulge has also begun to become the topic of whispers around peers.
As we get older, we get used to underwear, and even begin to enjoy the physical beauty it brings. We have forgotten who we once were, and who we now feel uneasy about wearing our underwear. Even some suffering from breast disease and lose the right to wear underwear, they miss this feeling.

Material:Brass, Plaster, resin
The Plaster Bra Clasp, so fragile, is wrapped in clear resin and has a metal frame. It's like a little girl trapped in a Bra, facing the first and forever confinement of her body, and her womanhood.
Oddly, however, the role of the BRA in modern society is not just an article of clothing that adds beauty of a woman's body. In many ways, not wearing a bra is considered unsightly.
In ancient times, the status of women in society were determined by men, and different characteristics of the male chest is considered to exist in shame. In the male dominated institution, women cover up their breasts, which reflects the unfair oppression and bondage of society.
However, with the development of society, women gradually realize their own value, they began to pursue freedom and independence. In the face of social constraints, women in the new era have become more courageous, and some of them have come forward, taken off their bras, and used their actions to say no to inequality.

According to the results of a survey I sent out to women around me, virtually every woman faced unbuttoning when they first started wearing a bra with a button Or misbuttoning the BRA so it twists behind you. With more experience, now they no longer have this kind of trouble, everyone can quickly button their back buckle, skillfully adjust their shoulder straps, some girls even add extra buttons to their bodies to hide their bras in order to wear fashionable clothes or gowns.
Studies show that 40 to 60 is the age at which breast disease is most common. More than 85 percent of women in China wear the wrong bra size, and in a country where sex education is relatively scarce, few mothers teach their daughters exactly how to pick and wear bras. Wearing a wrong size bra for long periods of time is also a contributing causes of breast disease. Women with breast disease can only wear loose bras for their own health, or stop wearing bras altogether. Many healthy women going through menopause will often choose to wear less button Bra, some elderly people will directly choose not to wear a Bra. For example, my grandmother, who is also the wearer of this piece, had breast cancer and had surgery. Since then she has never worn a Bra, only a loose white vest. Illness and aging have rendered the bra a meaningless object to her.
If you were given a second chance, would you put on your Bra and try to accept it as quietly as you did then?